Monday, November 28, 2011

Simitar Series.

Since my last post, My father and I have built, 2 Simitar Advantages. We Scaled down the RCM plans of the advantage and made our own creation of what my father now calls the "Minitar". The Astron, The Tracer, And the Leading Edge. Our next project will be the Simitar 540. The best features of this series is the fact that they are all "tailess" aircraft, which means that its virtually impossible for them to stall. The Advantages are your "everyday" flyer, and they will do mostly everything, slow flying, fast flying, and aerobatics. The Astron, is for pilots of higher skill levels, The Astron has a very unique "X-Wing" design, and it is said the X-wing from star wars, was modeled after Bill Evans "Astron" On The other hand the Tracer Is also for a more "advanced" pilot. The Leading Edge, Cosmetically, is my favorite plane of the simitar series fleet, it has a very sleek modern fighter jet look. And it also takes a very advanced pilot who can fly at very high speeds. There will soon be pictures posted of these fine planes, and my next post will be made after our 540 is complete, any questions about the Bill Evans Simitar series feel free to ask. Thank You